DARA Podcast Features David Klotz, Music Editor for Stranger Things
The Digital Audio Recording Arts (DARA) program featured Stranger Things music editor, David Klotz on their Musician Technician Entrepreneur Podcast. Four-time Emmy winner, Klotz has also been the music editor for Game of Thrones, American Horror Story, and many others. Klotz shares about his musical journey, his work-flow, and the challenges and joys of being a music editor. Check out this episode! [iframe style=”border:none” src=”//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/6200863/height/100/width/480/thumbnail/yes/render-playlist/no/theme/custom/tdest_id/581307/custom-color/ffcc33″ […]
Launching DARA’s Musician Technician Entrepreneur Podcast
Announcing the launch of DARA’s Musician Technician Entrepreneur Podcast! We are excited to announce the launch of DARA’s Musician Technician Entrepreneur (MTE) Podcast! The MTE podcast interviews successful music industry professionals to explore the paths and habits of “making it” in the 21st century music industry and is brought to you by the Digital Audio Recording Arts […]
Emmy Award Winning Music Director David Klotz to Speak with DARA Students | October 3rd, 2017
David Klotz, four time Emmy Award winner and twelve time nominee for music editing, will be discussing careers in music production to the DARA students on Tuesday, October 3rd at 11:30am. Mr. Klotz has worked on Glee, Scream Queens, Entourage, American Crime Story, and currently on Game Of Thrones, American Horror Story, and Stranger Things. […]